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Permanent Assembly Processes

Permanent assembly processes are used in manufacturing to permanently join or fasten two or more components together resulting in a part that cannot be disassembled. There are many reasons to choose permanent assembly including safety, extreme operating forces, regulatory laws, industry standards, or the use of the part as a component in another assembly. Orbitform offers the following permanent assembly processes, allowing manufacturers to find the process that is best aligned with their assembly requirements.

Each process has its own advantages and is best fit to meet certain requirements. At Orbitform, we have nearly 40 years of experience solving assembly challenges across 17+ different industries. Our Assembly Experts can review your part drawings and requirements, and assemble prototypes in our Solutions Lab to recommend the best process that aligns with your part design. Contact us today to discuss your assembly needs.


OrbitalImpactArticulating Roller FormingStatic Roller FormingHot UpsetRadialBushing Flare & Flatten