Articulating roller forming is used when forming a groove in a part or when there are obstructions to clear in order to form a lip. The articulating roller heads come in from the side to create the formed area. The 360-degree contact means consistent action for the entire time the part is being formed. These roller heads can deliver forming forces up to 5,000 lbs at 100 psi.
View more of Orbitform's articulating roller forming videos on our YouTube channel, Articulating Roller Forming Playlist.
To form a lip or crimp a material, hardened rollers on a spinning roller head can advance vertically and then horizontally to apply an inward force around a cylindrical material.
Groove forming requires the hardened rollers on a spinning roller head to advance vertically and then horizontally to apply an inward force around a cylindrical material to form the groove in the material.
For undercut forming, hardened rollers on a spinning roller head are advanced vertically and then horizontally to apply an inward force to form a groove in the material under a shelf type feature.