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4 Reasons to Use a Palletized Conveyor System

Conveyor systems used in manufacturing facilities across many industries can serve multiple functions. In a general sense, conveyors are used to move material from one location to another in an efficient manner. When diving into a specific application - what material is being moved, where it’s going, or any other processes that need to be completed along the way -  we find that not all conveyors are created equal. In fact, there are a number of factors that will determine what type of conveyor system is the best fit to achieve the desired outcome.

Many manufacturers that assemble products need conveyor solutions to move their parts as well. As the experts in fastening, forming, and assembly solutions, Orbitform offers two conveyor solutions: Low Back Pressure Conveyors and Palletized Conveyors. Our Palletized Conveyor system offers unique advantages that many assembly manufacturers can benefit from.

What is a Palletized Conveyor System?

Orbitform’s Palletized Conveyor line works to move parts between stations, much like other conveyor systems. What sets it apart is the use of pallets with custom designed fixtures to carry the parts around. The pallets eliminate part to part contact and can be used to move heavy parts that other conveyors may not be able to.

When to use a Palletized Conveyor System?

Just as with our assembly processes, Orbitform’s Engineering Team reviews every conveyor application in detail to determine what solution fits best. Requirements such as part orientation, performing processes in-line, traffic control, and part buffering can be met using our Palletized Conveyor System.

1. Part Orientation

If a part needs to be oriented in a specific manner during transport, a Palletized Conveyor is ideal. Each pallet has a custom fixture designed for the part. As the pallet moves through the conveyor, the part is held in place by the fixture and maintains the desired orientation. This allows the part to be presented to any in-line process or operator in the correct orientation every time, reducing manual part handling.

2. In-Line Processes

Having the parts on pallets also allows for different processes to be performed without needing to remove the part from the conveyor line. With the use of either a T-Stop, Clamp-Stop, or Accu-Stop, we can stop the pallet at precise locations to allow for other operations to occur. Whether this process is an assembly station, CNC process, wash station, or inspection station, our Palletized conveyor can increase throughput by eliminating the need to unload and reload the part at each operation.

3. Traffic Control

When it is important to track the movement or location of parts within the system, our Palletized Conveyor line can be integrated with traffic control technology. Traffic control intelligently transports, identifies, and tracks parts through a sequential process, at the entry and exit points, within a work cell or assembly system.

4. Part Buffering

For high volume processes, it may be necessary to buffer parts or create a loading queue between operations. This can be done with our Palletized Conveyor line using a spur. This section of conveyor breaks off from the main line and, although it is linked to the main conveyor, it has an independent chain drive. Pallets can be diverted onto a spur as a loading queue for an in-line process and then moved back onto the main line when ready.


It is easy to think of conveyors as just a way to move material around. However, the type of conveyor required depends on many factors such as processes to be completed, volume, data tracking, and more. At Orbitform, our experts evaluate every facet of your application to ensure our conveyor is going to fit your requirements. Contact us today to discuss your material handling needs.


ConveyorsPalletized ConveyorsTraffic Control