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National Women's Equality Day

Diversity in the Workplace

Diversity within a workplace is essential to create a healthy environment where multiple ideologies combine to create vibrant solutions.  While many companies have always worked toward creating a diverse workplace, it wasn’t until World War 1 that women began to be accepted as valuable assets to the manufacturing field.  Due largely in part to the labor shortage both World Wars created, women began moving into roles traditionally filled by men to help support their families and the war efforts while keeping the economy moving.  

Embracing Value

As manufacturers began to embrace the value that women add to the workplace, employers began to research ways to create a welcoming environment for both men and women.  Today, while we face a similar labor shortage to that of the early 1900’s, the need to recruit people of all diversities and backgrounds is at an all time high. 

Common Practice

While adding women to the workforce has been hugely beneficial, women’s equality has not always been common practice.  Challenges such as wage gaps and limited duties due to familial responsibilities have negatively impacted the ability to move forward in a career.

Address Issues Head On

At Orbitform, we work hard to address these issues head on.  Open and honest communication between management and employees with yearly wage reviews have kept the business honest.  Wages are created equally based strictly on responsibilities and performance and employees are asked for their honest feedback.  Regardless of sex, race or ethnicity, all team members are treated in the same manner and rewarded based on performance. 

Supporting Families

Familial responsibilities are important to everyone at Orbitform.  We recognize that every family member should be given the opportunity to put their family first.  Men and women alike are given the opportunity for work from home options and flexible schedules to support family life.  We believe it is essential for all family members to have flexibility in their career to support a family.  Ultimately allowing both men and women this flexibility supports working mothers – allowing men to help with responsibilities gives working moms more freedom to continue in their career.

Open Discussion

While there are many small changes manufacturers can make in support of women’s equality, we believe the most important practice to instill is to discuss equality internally and externally openly and honestly.  Internal reviews of company policy to determine whether they accomplish equality for all should become common practice.  In addition, external conversations allow employers to recognize common practice and update their policies accordingly. 

Get In On The Conversation

In celebration of Women’s Equality Day today, August 26th, Orbitform strongly urges all manufacturers to get in on the conversation.  Are your internal practices in support of full equality?  Have you discussed your practices with other manufacturers to set an example and research additional ways to support women in your work force?  We sincerely thank you for actively working to improve the workplace for our mothers, sisters and daughters.  If you would like further information on how you can improve your workplace, please contact us today.